Hydroponic Farm Set up

  • Provides roots of the plants a constant humidity level
  • Avoids the risks of excessive irrigation
  • Provides better planning and operation of the plantation.
  • Optimizes the cost of irrigation and fertilizers
  • Provides irrigation throughout roots of the plant
  • Reduces the risk of diseases caused by soil pathogens
  • Increases yields and significantly improves the production quality
  • Hydroponic plants are of supreme quality

The climate control system allows the environmental conditions to be controlled inside the greenhouse for best yields for the grower.

Hydroponic Systems

Hydroponic Solution Culture

Crop is produced directly on the water-bearing systems:

Deep Flow Hydroponics Systems: NGS – Deep flow hydroponics is the very successful hydroponic technology used in commercial plant production, and this method uses a deeper layer of nutrient solution that is circulated continuously through the vegetable roots. This method ensures the continuous supply of water and nutrients to crops and the continuous supply of fresh oxygen to roots.

Floating systems: Floating shelves- Floating system is known as one of the simplest hydroponic systems a system that has a container for water nutrient solution, covered by floating raft on which plants are grown. The tank would have a pump to make the water nutrient and chemical rich.

Systems for water depth: NFT or Nutrient Film techniques. With this system the depth of the recirculating stream is shallow water. The plants are rooted in an inert growing medium, like rock-wool. An in-line pump circulates nutrient rich water through the plant’s root system.

Hydroponic Medium Culture

Crop is produced using inert substrates irrigated by drip irrigation, sub-irrigation, or exudation. The most common substrates are perlite, rock-wool, coconut fiber and peat:

Crop Benches. Featuring an open gutter with spacing that can be tailored to meet the needs of your crop, the system is highly flexible. Automation options are also available in this system.

Growing in individual containers or channels

Growing surface


  • Greenhouse Structure and System
  • Head of automated irrigation and support system of plants.
  • Pumping equipment.
  • Containers for Concentrated solutions of nutrients.
  • Ducting fertigation application.
  • Irrigation Scheduler.
  • Receiver of drainage or effluent.

Materials Used

  • Growing Tables
  • Culture Sacks
  • Particular culture systems (NGS, NFT)
  • Supporting canals cropping system
  • Drain pans

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